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Being a working mom and trying to juggle everything is hard. Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing enough. But then I see someone who is knocking it out of the park, professionally, and being a great parent, and it makes me feel better.

I’m always inspired by those who seem to manage life with ease and grace and serve as role models. In this post, I want to share about someone who inspire me personally and professionally, and why.

The number one person that inspires me is my husband. I know that may sound a bit cliché, but he truly is the person in my life that encourages me. He has been my best friend, my rock, and is the epitome of strength in our family. But these aren’t the only reasons he inspires me. My husband actually went toe-to-toe with death and won. His battle with cancer has changed everything about how I live my life.

Here are 3 important things I learned from my husband throughout our experience with cancer.

1. I learned not to sweat the small things. There were so many times before when I might have worried too much about everyday happenings that didn’t quite go as planned. It’s so easy to be distracted by the unexpected traffic, the over-cooked dinner, or that Amazon order that’s delayed by a few days. In the grand scheme of life, they’re all small things and we need not sweat them.

2. I learned to silence the voice of fear. Admittedly, there’s a shortlist of things that I was fearful of. For example, I was afraid I wasn’t making the right decisions as a mom, or that I wasn’t meeting a new client’s expectations. But I reminded myself that being a mother was the most important job to me and that I was always doing my best for our boys and our family. As a professional photographer I realized that because I am dedicated to my work and strive to be one of the best in my industry, I will always exceed my client’s expectations.

3. I have learned that life is too short and precious to be wasted. As I stood by my husband while he worked his way back to health, it became clear to me that our time on this earth is far too short and precious. And that no one is ever promised tomorrow. It was then that I promised myself that I would live life in the moment. I vowed to be present for my family and in my work.

My husband will always be my hero – my inspiration. I am grateful that he’s taught me to appreciate the things in life that really matter. Whenever I find myself worrying or allowing fear to creep in, I quickly remind myself to live life to the fullest, for my family and for myself. That’s how life should be lived and more importantly, loved.