by Angi Lewis
Simply said, I love what I do. I love that I am a part of my client’s journey when it comes to helping them build their brand, or take their business to the next level. It makes me proud of the work that I do when I know that I’m helping people create something that...
by Angi Lewis
Let’s face it, who doesn’t want to be happier in their work or profession? When we do something we truly love for a living and makes us happy, we feel more fulfilled and we excel at our work. It can be life changing . It’s also been proven that happiness can improve...
by Angi Lewis
As a professional branding photographer, I can tell you that my journey has been both rewarding and at times, tough – if I’m being completely honest. As working moms, we don’t have the luxury of simply focusing solely on our business 24/7. We have, in fact, learned to...
by Angi Lewis
Do you ever wonder what a day in the life of a branding photographer is like? Well, I’m here to give you a little glimpse into my world! I’m sure it’s not too different from what you imagined. wake up early (before the sun, if possible), make...
by Angi Lewis
You’re reading this post because you’ve been looking for a way to make more money. I’m not going to sugar coat it, this takes work. Entrepreneurship not only means having a good social media and online presence, but knowing how to put your best foot...
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