I used to think that having it all meant doing everything myself. Being a working mom and trying to juggle everything at home and as a professional brand photographer – it was exhausting and felt impossible. But then I started doing this one thing that changed my life. Suddenly, everything became a little bit easier. I wanted to share it with you in case you’re feeling overwhelmed too.
I started delegating. I know it sounds simple, but it wasn’t easy transitioning. I was so used to managing work and home life, I didn’t realize I needed help. While I actually enjoyed doing most of the work, I realized I was actually running myself ragged. I was constantly exhausted and stressed out. It wasn’t fair to me, my family, or my clients.
So how did I do it? I started making a list of the things I do everyday, every week, and every month, at home and at work. Then I started separating the tasks that only I can do from the ones that someone else can do. The toughest part was believing that someone else can do as fine a job as I could at those tasks.
At home, cleaning my house was a chore (literally). I wasn’t sad to see that task go (wink!) if I’m being honest. This was a simple change but it had a huge impact. It freed up more time for me to spend with my family. At work, I hired an assistant to help me with scheduling clients and other light tasks. Funny how those little tasks just pile up, and before you know it, they’ve taken up half of your day. That was huge for me. It helped free up time for me to focus more on what I really love, which is working directly with my clients. It allowed more time for consultations and photo sessions.
These few delegations have changed my life in ways that help me take care of me, and that’s so important. Spreading yourself thin, at home or work, will always lead to stress and exhaustion. Doing that regularly can lead to health issues – no one wants or needs that. So, what are you waiting for? Start your lists and start delegating. I promise you won’t regret it!
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